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Clifford Ross
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Post by Clifford Ross »

Bert- - - Tell that store to " kiss your gl ASS ". :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Dani »

[/quote] I made a list of banks to call. After the first three informed me that they did not practice this "standard" practice, I figured I had done enough research. As soon as the direct paycheck deposit is switched to our new bank we are closing that account.

BANKS! Who knew they could be so dirty.

Anyway, my sympathies Phil. These days I fantasize about keeping it all in an envelope under my mattress.


Barbara, be sure that you get in writing from any bank that they will not share any personal information with anyone including affiliates. They do it all the time! They actually sell this info. You must insist on privacy or you will not get it. Makes you want to buy gold coins, doesn't it. Or just become self-sufficient and barter for what you need. You call this civilization? Sheesh.
Phil Hoppes
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Post by Phil Hoppes »

I digress OT but....what the heck, I miss the musing of the old format so here goes.........I really wonder sometime's just where we as a society are going with technology. I like the benefits, like this board, but I wonder really is the price really worth it. I've ranted before about such things as C.L.U.E. reports, where some large monithlith company can sell false information about me, without my permission and have the nerve to want to charge me to correct it. This is just one small example. The post above from Dani with the link to the sale of SS numbers on the web is another example.

There is no privacy. Any one violation taken as a small entity may seem innocuous enough, usually we all make a value judgement at the time "Is what personal information I am giving up worth the value of the service I am going to receive?". If we answer yes to ourselves then we go ahead and let out a part of ourselves. The problem is when the whole picture is taken into account we see we've opened up the whole store and nothing is private. The trouble here is the golden rule always prevails.....and I'm not talking about the "Do onto other's" one, it's "They who own the gold, Rules!" one. So if there is money to be made off our information, it's going to be sold and then it is going to be abused. Before computers, the web, etc. this info was available but it was so difficult to capitalize on this information the cost was not worth the benefit. Now the cost is zero and the benefit is huge so the scales have tipped way out of wack.

At time's I think I'm sounding like my father, grousing about things. Maybe so. But I wonder. I always felt I could adapt to change pretty good, but the current direction on things, to me at least, is more than a little scarry. So some would say, "Fine, change the system. Revolt. Don't give in." Well, in todays society it is close to impossible to exist "unconnected" to a technology world in some fashion. Not sure that is what I would want. I'm not looking to run away from it, it is the total lack of control over it that is bothersome. Day by day, I find myself leaning towards almost becoming a privacy zelot. Movies like Gattica and Minority Report are closer than you think. Don't think so???? Do you shop on Their software has you so catagorized you are a lab rat in the maze just going for the cheeze (if you enable it or pay any attention to the way they slam you with ad's for this and that).

So what are the other's out there thinking???????


PS - Sorry .....I just didn't feel like jumping to the Spab place on this one.....
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Post by Dani »

You hit the nail right on the head.... the way to handle this is by being informed, being concerned, and then hammering your elected officials to make changes in the law. Some of that is already happening with congressional changes to the Patriot Act.... talk about abuse of personal rights under the guise of protecting our security. Ha! Perhaps we better move this to Spab's place before you get me on my soapbox about the multi-billion dollar security industry and the privatization of our prison system.... is it any wonder we have more "clients" in prison than the the ten next countries combined? It's astounding what goes on under our noses despite freedom of the press and the plethora of information available through other sources. Is it just because we are too complacent to do something? Or too naive to believe it's true? You think is bad (it is). All those convenient key cards at corporations keep track of your every move on a computer screen... and wait until every car we buy has a tracking device. Eeek. It makes my skin crawl. Is it really worth it for a little convenience?
Phil Hoppes
Posts: 298
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Location: Overgaard, AZ

Post by Phil Hoppes »

I moved the last two posts over to Spab's place to continue discussion.

Look for : Big Brother, 1984 and what to do........

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