Search found 372 matches
- Fri Jul 22, 2022 1:52 pm
- Forum: Techniques and Tools
- Topic: Brown spots
- Replies: 11
- Views: 15165
Re: Brown spots
suggestion.. flip your shelf over.. underside should not be compromised!
- Fri Feb 04, 2022 10:31 am
- Forum: Community Projects
- Topic: Fridge Magnets - Want mine?
- Replies: 3
- Views: 70162
Re: Fridge Magnets - Want mine?
Why not put them in a flower pot on your front porch and let the neighborhood kids help them selves.. I keep a supply of fused "gems" out and they are very popular!!
- Wed Dec 29, 2021 10:40 am
- Forum: Techniques and Tools
- Topic: slump 17x11 piece 5/16” thick over ceramic wave mold.
- Replies: 2
- Views: 7678
Re: slump 17x11 piece 5/16” thick over ceramic wave mold.
this mold slumps very easy.. 1 hr. hold should be suffice. Your multiple ramps probably not needed.. why not 250 to 1250, hold, then AFAP to1000, then 80 to anneal, then 80 to 750 then off?
Works for me.
Works for me.
- Wed Dec 29, 2021 10:33 am
- Forum: Newcomer Forum
- Topic: Adhesives for securing frit and little glass components
- Replies: 2
- Views: 25825
Re: Adhesives for securing frit and little glass components
burns off around 300F ..don't expect it to hold stuff in place for fusing
- Sun Dec 05, 2021 11:18 am
- Forum: Techniques and Tools
- Topic: Shrinkage during fusing attemp
- Replies: 3
- Views: 9157
Re: Shrinkage during fusing attemp
When fusing, the glass wants to be 1/4" thick.. If it is thinner (one layer 1/8") it will pull in.. If it is thicker eg: 3/8" it will spread out..You can control size dimensions by controlling thickness. Experience is a good teacher!!
- Fri Nov 12, 2021 3:32 pm
- Forum: Techniques and Tools
- Topic: Fusing problem
- Replies: 2
- Views: 7301
Re: Fusing problem
1000 to 1340??? very aggressive ramp up is asking trouble (thermal shock) your going to get a lot of breakage at that rate.. I suggest a much more relaxed ramp up(250 or 300).. "Speed Kills"
- Tue Sep 28, 2021 10:40 am
- Forum: Techniques and Tools
- Topic: Drill bit attachment
- Replies: 8
- Views: 12932
Re: Drill bit attachment
Sounds risky!! .. don't think I would trust client with no glassworking experience to "attempt" this. I can think of many possible errors> Must be some glass supplier in a reasonable distance.
- Tue May 25, 2021 8:11 pm
- Forum: Techniques and Tools
- Topic: Crack on slump... Help?
- Replies: 2
- Views: 14098
Re: Crack on slump... Help?
First-- 1350 will not give you a "full fuse" Second-- I would pay more attention to the "anneal zone" slow down eg: 80dph from 1100 thru to anneal at 950 (45 min.) then 80dph to 800. then ramp down conservatively to 100. AFAP from fuse to anneal is not a good schedule. I don't th...
- Tue Mar 02, 2021 12:39 pm
- Forum: Jewelry Making
- Topic: glue on bales
- Replies: 5
- Views: 46563
Re: glue on bales
I use a small diamond grinder bit to roughen up contact surface on glass and sand bale to remove production lubricants.. then use E6000 NEVER FAILS!!
- Mon Feb 15, 2021 12:14 am
- Forum: Techniques and Tools
- Topic: gasket material
- Replies: 13
- Views: 24791
Re: gasket material
I've been opening and closing Brick lids on Brick wall kilns (some as big as 30"x 45") for 30 years.. Never felt the need for a gasket material.
- Sun Feb 14, 2021 11:39 am
- Forum: Techniques and Tools
- Topic: gasket material
- Replies: 13
- Views: 24791
Re: gasket material
use 1/8" fibre
- Fri Jan 22, 2021 1:27 pm
- Forum: Techniques and Tools
- Topic: Sunshine mixing flux
- Replies: 1
- Views: 9682
Sunshine mixing flux
Question for Brad.. Around 10 years ago I visited your studio/store in NC and I purchased over a dozen sunshine enamels. I am just now trying them out.. I have a good range of colours .. but it seems I chose "mixing flux" thinking it was white. This will limit my mixing pastels.. What is &...
- Sun Nov 08, 2020 4:14 pm
- Forum: Board Help
- Topic: Board sponsors
- Replies: 4
- Views: 68273
Board sponsors
Brad what happened to the board sponsors banner at the top of the page?? I always used that as a fast shortcut to Bullseye etc.
- Sun Oct 11, 2020 10:52 am
- Forum: Photos and Stuff
- Topic: Some More Detailed Photos of the Enamels
- Replies: 3
- Views: 35631
Re: Some More Detailed Photos of the Enamels
Need a ruler in photo to give a sense of scale.. are these 1/2" or 4" or bigger ??
- Wed Sep 02, 2020 4:53 pm
- Forum: Techniques and Tools
- Topic: Light weight Kiln Shelf
- Replies: 7
- Views: 19202
Re: Light weight Kiln Shelf
Suggestion; consider vermiculite board.. available from Bullseye.. not damaged at easily as fibre... I am using the same one 24"x 40" for over 10years.
- Fri Jul 24, 2020 10:25 am
- Forum: Techniques and Tools
- Topic: bottom heat kiln.
- Replies: 11
- Views: 20335
Re: bottom heat kiln.
someone once made a wise statement: Glass needs to "see" the heat.. while pottery only needs to "feel" it! That is why elements in glass kiln roof and no multiple shelf layers when firing
. Don

- Thu Jul 23, 2020 8:59 am
- Forum: Techniques and Tools
- Topic: bottom heat kiln.
- Replies: 11
- Views: 20335
Re: bottom heat kiln.
I've been firing glass (large and small) going on 30yrs. Always with top elements and a few side ones.. I can think of numerous reasons to not want bottom elements. I suggest you reconsider!
- Tue Jul 07, 2020 10:28 am
- Forum: Photos and Stuff
- Topic: LADY BLUE
- Replies: 4
- Views: 36036
Congratulations HAVI. It is good to see your unique, personal approach to design and display in these fine sculptural works! It is always nice to get recognition for good work!

- Thu Jul 02, 2020 2:54 pm
- Forum: Techniques and Tools
- Replies: 11
- Views: 16806
If the piece is the size of a fist then the firing schedule would have to be quite long and controlled to avoid breakage/thermal shock. Such a schedule would cause much all over surface distortion and loss of detail.. It sounds like the best solution is more coldwork polishing.
- Thu Jun 11, 2020 11:03 am
- Forum: Techniques and Tools
- Topic: drop ring fell off center
- Replies: 5
- Views: 10381
Re: drop ring fell off center
I agree with Brad and Jolly.. could be placement, glass color, etc.. etc. The keeping of records eg: firing time/temp., type and amount of glass, kiln placement etc. is the only way for you learn, move forward, and not repeat that which does not work! I have 2 binders (25 years) full of my firing re...