Additional question..., how long for 3 layers

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Additional question..., how long for 3 layers

Post by lorwolff »

I wrote about my disappearing dichro.
I am going to re-fire the pieces, on black squares. I also am going to heat to a higher temperature.

My new question is; now that it is 3 layers I plan to process at 1490 d. There were some sharp corners, so I guess I didn't go high enough.
Do you think 10 minutes at 1490 d is long enough, or should I leave it longer?
Also, about how much larger should I expect the blobs to get.

I don't really want them a lot bigger, but I guess the 6mm rule rules?
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Re: Additional question..., how long for 3 layers

Post by Judd »

I'm not quite sure what you're asking in your question. In my large kiln, for 90 or 96 glass I fire around 1565 and I hold for around 20 minutes. My smaller kiln I fire 1550 and hold for 15 minutes. The smaller one seems to fire hotter, and the glass gets devitrified if I fire for longer.
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