Tempered glass shards

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Tempered glass shards

Post by jglohr »

I'm experimenting with different glass options for 1"+ tabletops. I got a really interesting effect by fusing tempered glass shards at 1550 for 45 min. Are the lines inside the glass from devit at the edges of the shards? I tried repeating the parameters and it was totally clear, especially on thinner than 1". It was glass from a different source, but also tempered that I shattered. Any thoughts on how to replicate?
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Re: Tempered glass shards

Post by Buttercup »

Hi, and welcome to the board.

Type 'Morganica tempered glass' into the search bar. If that doesn't get you enough posts to answer your question try just typing 'Fusing tempered glass'.

I do remember several years ago that Morganica posted quite a bit about her experiments with tempered shards. You are right to use shards from the same shattered sheet to avoid compatibility problems.

Good luck, and let us know what works for you.
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