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credit card terminals.....ughhhh

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2003 11:10 am
by kelly alge
I recently and most unpleasantly discovered that I am in need for a credit card set up for shows... I have been looking at different terminals and my brain is in a swirl, I'm getting frustrated. I have a knucklebuster coming in the mail, but prefer to use it only as a back up since it is the least secure. Any suggestions on terminals that you like/dislike would be so wonderfully appreciated.

Going to go get some aspirin now. :(

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2003 6:06 pm
by Anea
Kelly -

I too went through what you are going through. I initially set up a merchant account through my bank wells fargo, but since I used my terminal so infrequently it usually ended up costing me about $50 to $60 per month. I had a terminal that I rented and dialed up after I got home, and primarily used the kncklebuster at the show to get the info. It was a small leap of faith but I never had any problems.

I eventually got fed up with it. A freind of mine then began look for servicec and I said don't get wells fargo. He ended up going with a program through Discover Business Card Services, and it was great. You dial up through a phone (most companies charge you a lot for this service, as you can dial from anywhere, even a show with a cell phone) and it is all done through the touch tone phone and the knucklebuster as a way of collecting the information. They do not charge a monthly service fee or charge you if you don't do enough volume. The rates are slightly higher per transaction (somewhere near 3% and about 40cents per transaction) but that just comes out of the cost of the sale. So you never pay them anything unless you use it and only when you do. I would highly reccomend it.

If you want more specific contact information let me know and I will look for the business card that I have of the lady that set me up.

AKA ANEA :lol:

Re: credit card terminals.....ughhhh

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2003 8:24 pm
by Bert Weiss
kelly alge wrote:I recently and most unpleasantly discovered that I am in need for a credit card set up for shows... I have been looking at different terminals and my brain is in a swirl, I'm getting frustrated. I have a knucklebuster coming in the mail, but prefer to use it only as a back up since it is the least secure. Any suggestions on terminals that you like/dislike would be so wonderfully appreciated.

Going to go get some aspirin now. :(

I use the knuckle buster at the show, then punch the #'s in when I get home. I make sure that I have a phone # for the buyer. I bought a terminal from the company, but I think that you can get them on Ebay for less. My company charges me $5 per month and 1.5%

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2003 9:37 pm
by kelly alge
What kind of terminal do you use? How much time do you spend calling in numbers? I'm estimating that I'll have around 25-35 cc sales at an average show, is this a lot to call in? How often have you handled a bad or stolen card? THanks for your help.


Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2003 10:11 pm
by Dani
Speaking of credit card set-ups.... I just learned something quite interesting. My swiper didn't work and I had to call customer service to re-program. I wasn't paying attention to the time, it was after 10PM and midnight in Ohio. And I got the best service imaginable. I mentioned it to the young man I was talking to and he told me the third shift is so bored because it's so slow that they'll do back-flips for anyone who calls for any reason. LOL. So if you have to do things manually, work with the graveyard shift. They are the best!

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2003 9:11 am
by Bert Weiss
kelly alge wrote:Bert,
What kind of terminal do you use? How much time do you spend calling in numbers? I'm estimating that I'll have around 25-35 cc sales at an average show, is this a lot to call in? How often have you handled a bad or stolen card? THanks for your help.


My machine is a Verifone ZON Jr XL. It doesn't take long to enter a #. Of all one's activities, turning a phone call to cash is certainly tolerable.

I have only had one card refused. I take the peoples contact info, so I called them and they gave me another card to enter, which worked.

If you get a stolen card, you're screwed. How many crooks are out there thinking, gee if I steal a credit card, I can go out and charge me some art glass? Worrying about this possibility can give you excessive wrinkles and prematurely gray hair.

I am not aware about the latest cell phone capable machines. Maybe you can get a machine that only needs electricity from your booth to work on the spot. Look on Ebay and let us know.

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2003 11:50 am
by Deb Libby
Kelly ...
I have a Trans 420 swipe terminal (which I bought used on E-bay for $200), an Airpal POS ( for $135 new, and my cell phone (which just happened to be compatible with the Airpal). When all 3 pieces are hooked up, I can use my cell phone to transmit all the data directly to my processor right at the time of sale. It works exactly the same as in a storefront .... swipe, it transmits; and receipt prints .... all in a minute or so. The data interface (Airpal) and the terminal do need electric power .... not usually a problem at indoor shows ... but I just purchased a PowerPack in order to use my set up at outdoor shows w/o elec. It has worked fabulously at my two outdoor shows since purchase. The Airpal only works with certain Motorola phones (last I knew, most were no longer produced) but those phones can be found on E-bay sometimes or a call to Airpal may indicate new compatible wireless phones available.
By using Verizon's America's Choice network, I have 300 weekday minutes and unlimited nights/weekends for $35 ..... since most of our shows are on the weekends, it works out to be fast, easy and not bad $$$.


Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2003 12:15 pm
by K Okahashi
As to getting fraudulent cards, I always get the person's mailing address and phone number. I'm finding more and more companies are checking photo ids anyway and the customers who use a credit card are always happy to give me more information. Of course, if you always mention you are just being careful due to stolen identities, many are very happy to oblige.

I know some vendors feel that there might be too much information to obtain from people but one way is to have the customer sign in a guest book that asks for their home address phone or email. I quickly verify that the information in the guest book is complete while completing the credit card transaction. It can be a lot of work, but my customers have always been willing (even happy) to provide the information.

I've found that we get about 60% of show sales from credit cards these days. It's important to allow this option.

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2003 12:19 pm
by kelly alge
Thank you all for your help! I have been looking at the wireless terminals because most of my shows are outdoors... they're pretty expensive, but they are small, one piece, and are supposed to work on a battery for 10-12 hours. Does anyone have experience with one of these? Do you ever have problems getting a signal on them? I don't even have a cell phone yet, but will be getting one soon. (I'm one of the 10 or so people left on the planet that don't have one yet) I swore I would never get one because I'm so irritated looking at people walking around with them (and hearing all of their stupid rings) I'm going to hide when I use it.

I guess you're right, Bert about having a stolen credit card and rushing off to quickly buy some art glass... ha ha :lol:

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2003 3:25 pm
by Barbara Cashman
[/quote]He ended up going with a program through Discover Business Card Services, and it was great. I would highly reccomend it.
If you want more specific contact information let me know and I will look for the business card that I have of the lady that set me up.
AKA ANEA :lol:[/quote]

I'd be interested to know more. I went to the Internet for more info, but only located the Discover Card site where you take Discover cards, and I didn't see that you could take MC or Visa. I only get an occasional request for a card purchase, and I use PayPal on line. That, however, doesn't work in many circumstances. - Barbara

Taking credit cards

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2003 9:34 pm
by Tess Farley
I copied a post from May 11th on this subject. Sorry, I don't know who posted it. The message is quoted below:

"...This problem has bothered me for about two years...only having 2-3 small shows each year, I didn't want to pay minimums and statement fees. I tried my local banks, without luck. An artist friend recommended Discover business (you can accept Visa and MC too). No fees for application, monthly, or minimum. Call in purchases to 800#. You have to buy an imprinter (I bought an inexpensive knucke buster). I talked to Vicky Compton 1-800-347-7996.

Re: Taking credit cards

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2003 10:31 am
by Claudia Whitten
Tess Farley wrote:I copied a post from May 11th on this subject. Sorry, I don't know who posted it. The message is quoted below:

"...This problem has bothered me for about two years...only having 2-3 small shows each year, I didn't want to pay minimums and statement fees. I tried my local banks, without luck. An artist friend recommended Discover business (you can accept Visa and MC too). No fees for application, monthly, or minimum. Call in purchases to 800#. You have to buy an imprinter (I bought an inexpensive knucke buster). I talked to Vicky Compton 1-800-347-7996.
That quote is from Monica and she was talking to me. I have called them and they are very nice. I am going to try them at my next show. I was told that it's 3% on Visa and MC with a .44 charge per item. Dicover card is 2.18% and .10 item charge.
When you usually give about 40% to the gallery this sounds great to me. Haven't gotten a knuckle buster yet. I will check with a few business in town to see if they have a used one. Then I though if I don't find one for this weekend show I could just hand write one like Brad did at the WG Conference.
I don't think I would want to be taking cards for small items like jewelry. How do people use these, do they just use them for everything. I wanted to be able to take them for items over $100 , I thought that would be better than personal checks. What have you guys experienced......Claudia

Re: Taking credit cards

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2003 11:02 am
by Bert Weiss
Claudia Whitten wrote:
Tess Farley wrote:I copied a post from May 11th on this subject. Sorry, I don't know who posted it. The message is quoted below:

"...This problem has bothered me for about two years...only having 2-3 small shows each year, I didn't want to pay minimums and statement fees. I tried my local banks, without luck. An artist friend recommended Discover business (you can accept Visa and MC too). No fees for application, monthly, or minimum. Call in purchases to 800#. You have to buy an imprinter (I bought an inexpensive knucke buster). I talked to Vicky Compton 1-800-347-7996.
That quote is from Monica and she was talking to me. I have called them and they are very nice. I am going to try them at my next show. I was told that it's 3% on Visa and MC with a .44 charge per item. Dicover card is 2.18% and .10 item charge.
When you usually give about 40% to the gallery this sounds great to me. Haven't gotten a knuckle buster yet. I will check with a few business in town to see if they have a used one. Then I though if I don't find one for this weekend show I could just hand write one like Brad did at the WG Conference.
I don't think I would want to be taking cards for small items like jewelry. How do people use these, do they just use them for everything. I wanted to be able to take them for items over $100 , I thought that would be better than personal checks. What have you guys experienced......Claudia

Cash is obselete. If you want to make impulse sales like jewelry, the card is the best way. Most people I see at shows want to pay with the card, no matter what they are buying.

I would think that one would approach it the opposite. If they want to buy a thousand dollar item, please write a check. I would ask for a check, but accept any form of payment. Losing 3% of $1000 on a retail sale is much better than a lost Beback. People who charge wholesale prices at retail shows are in trouble from the getgo.

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2003 1:45 pm
by Anea
Kelly -

The woman who set up my acocunt through Discover Services is Heather Wickham. Her telephone number is 800-347-7996 x7559. Her email is and she has been very helpful. If you want a reference tell her that Aimee with Anea's Creative Design told you to call.

Good luck :wink:

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2003 2:50 pm
by gone
Try looking at it this way; set your prices to include the credit charges and anyone paying in cash or check is giving you a bonus! :wink:


Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2003 4:29 pm
by Lorelei

I cannot thank you enough!
Heather is an absolute gem and she got me all set up in about 10 minutes!

Now all those sales I miss because I didn't accept cards will be no more!!!

I'll write again once I buy the mansion on the shore!


Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2003 5:52 pm
by Anea
So glad to help :D
