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The uranium has landed

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2003 10:25 pm
by Gale aka artistefem
Just last week I picked up several sheets and some stringer of bright green uranium (Vaseline) glass from Doug Zeller. www.

Doug restores antique lamps and started making glass because he couldn't get or find the matching glass he needed for some of his restoration work. The uranium glass was intended for stained glass work, but he has done some kiln-forming tests with it too. It's COE 96 compatible.

I've taken three layers of the sheet through the first test firing - slump temp - with success. :D :D :D

Doug tells me this glass is prone to striking at full fuse temps and it's best to fire it only once and maybe you can squeek two firings out of it before it strikes.

He showe me some of the strike colors. they are very nice - amber/dark and mid tone cherry reds.
But for my project, I need to retain the bright green color.

Will post an image in a few days of my results.

If you ever have a chance to visit Doug's studio - do it. He's put together a one-man blowing and glass making operation with a very interesting annealing kiln - not for the faint of heart-LOL!. He's built every piece of equipment in his studio from scratch. Very much an inventor-glass-chemist guy! He even recreates, by hot casting, zinc and other metal lamp parts.

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 8:45 am
by Liam
Please keep us up to date on this and post pics if you can. Ive been curious about using his glass.
