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klyrfire/adhesive question...

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2003 10:22 pm
by Michelle Fokos

i'm wondering if A1 klyrfire works as an adhesive or just as a binding agent for use with frits? can i use it to hold copper wire in place on the glass, or will the wire shift (if the klyrfire isn't really an adhesive?) is there a better kind of adhesive to use that holds, but burns out completely?



Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2003 10:45 pm
by Jack Bowman
I've never had a problem with Superglue. Liquid, not gel. Gel doesn't burn out.


Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2003 12:23 am
by Lynne Chappell
Klyrfire works as an adhesive, but it isn't a strong bond. You can pry things held with it apart (sometimes accidentally). It does the best job of not leaving any residue (in my opinion), but if I really need it to stick and not budge while I'm doing other things or moving it, then I use diluted white glue (it sometimes leaves a smudge though). All the glues are only useful for holding things while you move the glass or get it in the kiln. Since they burn out before the glass sticks they can't defy gravity.

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 9:05 pm
by Joseph Tracy
Klyfire is used to hold thin copper wire(cloisons) in cloisinee enamel work so it seems a logical choice to me.

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2003 8:43 am
by Bea

I posted on this board not long ago about glues for fusing glass and have since been trying out a few.......

So far I use a PVA glue for woodworking and another PVA craft glue. Both seem to work well, if I make sure the glue is totally dried clear before I fire the pieces there are no traces at all on the glass nor the wires I use in my glass.

I use fine silver wire and copper wire.

I have tried Glastac but that holds glass and doesn't seem to have a firm enough grip on metal.......... plus it takes FOREVER to dry out !!!!! :(

Hope this helps.

Bea :)