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Need Firing Schedule for small thick paperweight & tile

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 9:00 pm
by candala
Hi, I have a Jen Ken 14/6 and I normally fire jewelry size pieces (larges is 2" x 2"), my firing schedule is simple, 300 dph to 1375, hold for 20 minutes, 400 dph to 200, hold for 1 minute, off. Now I want to expand my horizons and fire a paperweight mold which measures approx. 5 inches by 4 inches, filled with scrap glass and frit. I also want to fire a steel tile mold which is 4 inches all around and about 1 1/2 inches in height, also fill it with scrap glass and frit, etc. My sense is that due to the new thicknesses, I should not use the same firing schedule but perhaps hold for longer at the top fuse temp. Can anyone suggest a simple firing schedule for this? I'm new at this, can you tell? :shock:

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 10:05 pm
by Susan Moore
I'm too new at this to give you a firing schedule but if you are using BE you could check here for the annealiing chart on thicker pieces.

Also I guess you could search the archives, there may be something useful for you there.

Good luck! Susan