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Dichroic on clear

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2004 4:40 pm
by Peggy C
This is probably a stupid question, but here goes... I've seen some wonderful effects with dichroic where you can see through the piece (jewelry). In order to see the dichroic, do you have to fuse multiple layers? Do you use it with float glass? I've simply layered the dichroic on clear glass, and you can barely see the dichroic once it's fused. I usually just use dichroic on black, but I'd like a different look.

Thanks for any help,

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2004 5:59 pm
by Linda Hassur
If fusing dichroic to clear you will need multiple layers in order to get much color. I usually cut small pieces and with a small amt of Elmer's glue, I put it on the base glass. I then continue stacking small pieces on top of each other until I have at least 3-5 layers of dichroic. You can also use silver dichroic as a base with the dichroic coating down. Use the above method and the colors will be more intense with a "mirror" base. I always put dichroic coating down on all layers. Hope this helps. Linda

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2004 6:01 pm
by Linda Hassur
I forgot to mention in my previous reply that you need to use nothing but glass that is compatible. Don't mix dichroic and float glass together as they aren't compatible. Linda

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2004 6:31 pm
by Brad Walker
Linda Hassur wrote:Don't mix dichroic and float glass together as they aren't compatible.
Dichroic float is available, so that could be used. (But you're right, Bullseye or System96 Dichroic shouldn't be used with float.)

Dichroic on clear

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 2:05 pm
by Peggy C
Thanks for the suggestions...I'll try it.

You know, I could swear I saw a website where they used float and dichroic. I guess it was the kind you're talking about, Brad. What would be the point of combining float and dichroic, and who sells it? Is there a different effect than the dichroic and clear?


Dichro float

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 5:13 am
by Susie sargent

C&R Loo ( carries dichroic float. While the dichroic float is still pricey, float glass itself is available for less than a dollar a sq ft so the overall cost of a project with dichro as an accent can be a lot cheaper.

(C&R Loo also has colored confetti that can be used with float.)


Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2004 6:09 pm
by TerriG
I always use layers when firing dichro. If I want depth, I put 1 or more layers of clear (compatible, of course) on top. I also may use a couple of layers of dichro within the piece. Many times these turn out amazing! I've had a couple of the light pattern dichro fade when firing but for the most part it just adds depth to put clear on top. I also put a color under a clear dichro with clear on top. Many turn out vibrant.