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Dichroic (etched) against shelf

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 9:27 am
by Nancy H
Has anyone experimented with firing etched dichroic glass against the kiln shelf, and then refining the shape and flipping it over and firing again? This would be for jewelry pieces. I prefer the uncapped look of etched dichroic glass. I'm not experienced in this. Sometimes I get good results and other times the dicro. bunches up a bit and has some imperfect areas. My plan would be to place my etched pattern of thin Dicro. on black face down against the shelf and top it with 3mm black cut slightly larger. After the 1st full fuse firing, I would refine the shape/edges if necessary and preform a 2nd firing. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Re: Dichroic (etched) against shelf

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 9:43 am
by Barry Kaiser
It fires fine for me face down on thinfire. You can not go too high in temperature because the glass moves on top of the dichro.
However why are you firing it face down. For what you seem to want, you can just put the dichro face up on top of another piece of black.

Re: Dichroic (etched) against shelf

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 11:15 am
by Nancy H
I'm thinking that by firing it dicro. side down the end result will look nicer. Sometimes mine has little splinters/spurs on it around the part I have etched with etching cream. Almost like the dicro. has lifted a bit. Perhaps I'm going too high in temp. I'm using COE 90 CBS coated dicro. I usually go to 1425° with a 3 min. hold time. If I go lower, the base dosen't fuse completely with the top, and at a higher temp. the dicro. creeps. Perhaps I need to try a lower temp. with a longer hold. Any thoughts would be appreciated.