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Need Your help with A Mold for A Paper Weight

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 1:50 pm
by lindapos
I am a newbie in glass and I bought a mold for a paper weight. I have 96 Clear Glass in a piece and 96 Frit in pastels. How do I stack it, do I break the clear glass into frit and place it on the botter and then layer frit for the design? I have used of a large kiln, but I am not sure what setting to put it on? Thank You in advance.


Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 6:06 pm
by cheryl ~
check out UGOTGLASS at the top of the page--she tells you and shows you how to do it --I did it like she said and they came out great! one of the few things to turn out!!!!

have fun