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Smoke from fiber paper catching fire (glass damage?)

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2003 4:19 pm
by Judi Charlson
After removing a crucible from a mold, I covered the top with a fiber blanket. But before I did this I decided to line the bottom of this blanket with a fiber paper(not thin fire, the kind people use for dams) that I got from BE in order to keep frayed fibers from this old blanket from falling into the mold. It caught fire briefly and there was black smoke.

My Question: does anyone know if this will cause damage to the glass? once I used this paper to cover an open mold an the bottom self to reduce chance of debris from falling from upper shelves and had no problem .This is an egg shapped mold with an interior of a plaster sculpture which will be removed latter. It took 40 lbs. of crystal clear BE glass and will remain in the kiln for the next 9 days or so.
Did anyone ever have smokein the kiln during a firing? Did it damage the glass?I now have to wait so many days that I feel like aborting it.

:( :?:

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2003 5:31 pm
by Carol Craiglow
I've read your post several times trying to visualize what you're describing. Let me see if I've got it right.

There is an egg-shaped mold with a plaster core that will be removed. Is that much correct?

The thing I can't visualize is how the mold is oriented in the kiln. This information would be helpful because I'm trying to understand how much of the glass would have been exposed to the smoke.

My gut feeling is that the piece should be okay. There may be some surface scum from the smoke where the glass was exposed to it, but again maybe not. How much smoke was there and for how long? The smoke must have been from the organic binder? Had you prefired the fiber paper? Did you vent the kiln to let the smoke escape?

If there is the possibility of cold working the glass that might have been exposed, I wouldn't think there would be a problem.

I can't see how the smoke would cause any other problems because the rest of the glass would be covered by the mold, unless I'm missing something.


smoke from fiber paper

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2003 5:43 pm
by Judi Charlson
Thanks for your reply. It is an open face mold, flat on top, egg shaped on sides and flat on bottom. You are right. I can cold work the top if I need to if there is damage. The entire outside will need to be polished anyway if the negative interior of a female nude lying on her side is to be viewed. I just panicked I guess. I need to find a source for fiber board to solve this problem.
I just really wanted this piece to work for an exhibition entry in May.
Thank you,
Judi :)

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2003 7:04 pm
by Colin & Helen
With BE I don't think you would have any problems..if you had used one of the lead crystal glasses.. the change in atmosphere could cause unwanted gray marks.. I have wondered what would be the result if one of BE gold irid glasses were smoked???


smoke from fiber paper in kiln

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2003 9:08 pm
by Judi Charlson
I have not tried any irid glass at all/ I'll let you know how this piece turns out. Thanks.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2003 6:06 pm
by Judi Charlson
Two weeks ago my computor broke down and UNHAPPILY i have been working with teChS ,replacing modems etc. However my piece that was exposed to temorary fire from the fiber paper tHAT I covered the open face mold before decending to anneal has been happily annealing and cooling. It came out perfectly. No effects from smoke. I have cold -worked it with my new Italian angle grinder. It weighs in at 40+ pounds.
Some day I would like to find out how to lessen the amount of bubbles.
altho' the bubbles I get always seem to add something.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2003 6:28 pm
by Carol Craiglow
Good news, Judi! thanks for reporting back...

Everything is still here on all the forums, so I'm sure you've got a lot of reading to catch up with!!
